migrationlab in collaboration with EastwardsNL presents


 at Spotlight:Romania. A Film and Photography Festival 

October 22, 2015 // The Hague


We were happy to launch migrationlab in The Netherlands at Spotlight:Romania. A Film and Photography Festival. We teamed up with Eastwards and we transformed the GEMAK Art Gallery into a public living room to allow stories and impressions on migration to inspire and challenge perceptions.


Hosts Storytellers: 

  • Marisa Monteiro -  Lawyer, Portugal 
  • Andreea Dumitriu - Romanian Filmmaker based in The Netherlands
  • Yuval Gal, Israel and Muawi Shehadeh, Palestine - Love & Peas 
  • Philip Brink, Filmmaker and Marieke van der Velden, Photographer, Netherlands
  • Laura Hassler, USA - Founder and Director Musicians without Borders 

Topics we touched on: 

  • The impact/trauma of living in a place where you can't have a voice or you always have to restrain your voice because you are not "one of them"
  • The compromises on personal level people make when choosing for migration, be it temporary or permanent: "Moving Forward" short documentary
  • Israeli-Palestinian friendship and business partnership; Israeli-Palestinian conflict
  • The "Island of All Together" where a refugee and a tourist sit together to talk about life on a bench in Lesbos, Greece. Watch full documentary here
  • How music can heal wounds of war and build communities

Photo Credits: Through A Foreign Lens - Photography by Peter Leggett